Here is my application...
1)What is your Name - Ed Coyller
2)How old are you? - 16 years old
3)How long have you been working with Emulation? - Since last year
4)How long have you been familiar with Lua? - 5 months at least
5)Do you know Sql? - I do
6)Have you been in recent or past scripting teams? - No, I haven't
6a)If so, Please list some of them. - N/A
7)We are looking for advanced Lua Scripters, Show us your work.
Here it is...
NOTE: This is just one script I quickly found on my computer. This is definately not the extent of my Lua knowledge.
8)How and What are you able to do for AscendScripting? - I can script anything Lua allows me to script. Bosses, gameobjects, quests, and so on...
9)Will you show dedication towards AscendScripting? - Yes, I definately will.
10)Final Question:Do you know how to insert a Sql Code/Querie into your database from a Lua Script? - Yes:
I was looking through the Lua Engine functions in the SVN and saw that the query commands are.
I was also wondering if I could help develop the Lua engine. I know C++ and am pretty familiar with scripting Lua functions.
1)What is your Name - Ed Coyller
2)How old are you? - 16 years old
3)How long have you been working with Emulation? - Since last year
4)How long have you been familiar with Lua? - 5 months at least
5)Do you know Sql? - I do
6)Have you been in recent or past scripting teams? - No, I haven't
6a)If so, Please list some of them. - N/A
7)We are looking for advanced Lua Scripters, Show us your work.
Here it is...
NOTE: This is just one script I quickly found on my computer. This is definately not the extent of my Lua knowledge.
- Code:
-- Prospector Sylvas Boss Script
-- Scripted by Alvanaar
function Sylvas(Unit, Event)
Unit:RegisterEvent("Sylvas_Say",25000, 0)
function Sylvas_Say(Unit, Event)
local chance = math.random(1,4)
if (chance == 1) then
Unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "Keep on working, men.")
if (chance == 2) then
Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Do not stop digging!")
if (chance == 3) then
Unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "I can tell we are close to the ore...")
if (chance == 4) then
Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Anyone that stops will be killed!")
function Sylvas_OnCombat(Unit, Event)
Player:PlaySoundToSet(11708) -- Boss fight music
Unit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "We are on a sctrict timetable, you will not interfere!")
Player:PlaySoundToSet(11193) -- Boss says this
Unit:RegisterEvent("Sylvas_Pummel", math.random(12000, 34000), 0)
Unit:RegisterEvent("Sylvas_Enrage", 12000, 0)
Unit:RegisterEvent("Sylvas_Stun", 17000, 0)
Unit:RegisterEvent("Sylvas_Summon", 22000, 1)
function Sylvas_OnLeaveCombat(Unit, Event)
function Sylvas_OnDeath(Unit, Event, Player)
Unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "The project will... continue...")
Player:SendAreaTriggerMessage("Prospector Sylvas falls to the ground, defeated...")
Player:SendBroadcastMessage("Prospector Sylvas falls to the ground, defeated...")
function Sylvas_OnKilledTarget(Unit, Event, Player)
local chance = math.random(1,2)
if (chance == 1) then
Unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "A minor inconvenience.")
if (chance == 2) then
Unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "Looks like you lose...")
function Sylvas_Pummel(Unit, Event)
Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(59344, target)
function Sylvas_Enrage(Unit, Event)
function Sylvas_StunCaster(Unit, Event)
Unit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(41468, Unit:GetRandomPlayer(4))
function Sylvas_Summon(Unit, Event)
Unit:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "I need your assistance, soldiers!")
Player:SendAreaTriggerMessage("Prospector Sylvas summons 2 soldiers!")
Unit:SendChatMessage(ChatField.CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE,LangField.LANG_UNIVERSAL,"Prospector Sylvas summons two soldiers")
Unit:SpawnCreature(55556, 836.63, -105.3, 111.59, 2089, 105000)
Unit:SpawnCreature(836.63, -112.16, 111.6, 2089, 105000)
RegisterUnitEvent(55555, 1, "Sylvas_OnCombat")
RegisterUnitEvent(55555, 2, "Sylvas_OnLeaveCombat")
RegisterUnitEvent(55555, 3, "Sylvas_OnKilledTarget")
RegisterUnitEvent(55555, 4, "Sylvas_OnDeath")
RegisterUnitEvent(55555, 18, "Sylvas")
8)How and What are you able to do for AscendScripting? - I can script anything Lua allows me to script. Bosses, gameobjects, quests, and so on...
9)Will you show dedication towards AscendScripting? - Yes, I definately will.
10)Final Question:Do you know how to insert a Sql Code/Querie into your database from a Lua Script? - Yes:
I was looking through the Lua Engine functions in the SVN and saw that the query commands are.
- Code:
WorldQuery -- Performs query in the "world" database
CharacterQuery -- Performs query in the "characters" database
I was also wondering if I could help develop the Lua engine. I know C++ and am pretty familiar with scripting Lua functions.
Last edited by Alvanaar on Mon May 04, 2009 2:12 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo)